Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

Since the new year is upon us, and the four month countdown has started, I thought I would do a "Wedding Wednesday" post each week. It may be a piece of trivia or information I thought was interesting, or a small blip into our planning/implementation process of our own wedding!

For this week, I thought I would enlighten you to the rest of a little poem we all grew up hearing:

::Something Old,
::Something New,
::Something Borrowed,
::Something Blue,
::And a silver sixpence in her shoe

How many of you knew there was another line to that sweet little piece of tradition? Go here to read about it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute!!! I had no idea that extra line was in there! :) SO excited and can't believe your wedding is less than 4 months away!!! :)
