Sunday, December 26, 2010

ETA: 2011!

I'm heading West for a few days, folks! Be back soon with updates on holiday festivities and a trip recap! Until then....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Merry Christmas!
We hope everyone is enjoying wonderful time with family and friends on this special holiday!
Remember to take pictures...
Remember to tell those you love just how much they mean to you...
Remember to be thankful for He who gave His life so that we could live...
We got snow here, today!
We finally got a "white Christmas"!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Guess What?

... It's the start of my "BURFDAY WEEK"!
Yep, you got it!
I'm super excited.
I have always loved my "week"... lots of me reminding my loving family that it's my "burfday", sweet stories from events long ago, having all the glittering Christmas lights lit up everywhere... It's g.r.e.a.t. - even though I have to share it with my favorite holiday!
I found this lovely little picture today and felt like it encompassed everything about this time of year - cupcake = birthday, tree = Christmas... PERFECT!
Hope everyone enjoyed the snow flurries today! What a special way to kick off such a special week! :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I had a pretty AWESOME day...

... I DID IT.

Full post to come, but for now, I must admit how excited and utterly thankful I am for this day and all who have been such an integral part of it! Today was the perfect birthday/Christmas present a girl could ask for.

**Thanks Momma and Daddy! Thanks for being my biggest cheerleaders :) Today was a super special day!

Friday, December 3, 2010

(key the music from Charlie Brown's Christmas)

SO... after much debate and discussion as to whether or not we were going to put up our own Christmas tree here at school, Dave insisted we have one. When I brought up the subject, I was thinking "small, table-top tree"... you know, the ones that are just a little bit bigger than the small ones you have in your room as a kid, but not really big enough to put in the floor somewhere. The ones you could actually go a chop down from an open field somewhere because we're not really needing something HUGE. Dave did not quite agree. He also did not agree to my feelings of getting a "REAL" spruce, Douglas Fur or anything of the kind :( Nope. So there we were... standing in the Target, looking at (wait for it) FAKE trees. Yep, I said it. I vowed I would never give in and have another fake tree after my mom promised me we N.E.V.E.R. had to put ours up again, but, we have one and I'm thankful and excited for the bit of Christmas spirit it brings to our home! I have a nice little evergreen scented candle (*thanks Sandye*) I shall light to make myself feel as though my new friend is straight from the wilderness.
**Let the people of blogland note, though, there WILL be a r.e.a.l. tree in my house next year and for every year after that (when space shall allow for one). Dave has promised.**

As for decorating our tree: We had nilch as far as decorations went, because 1. I hadn't planned on having a tree, and 2. I've always just had a small tree that my mom gave me, with miniature ornaments. SO... in addition to purchasing our new friend, we also scored some glittery balls at a g.r.e.a.t. buy and colorful "sticks" my mom and I eyed the week of Thanksgiving (that Dave hated the moment I picked them up and said we "needed" them... they are VERY glittery, what boy would like them?) and Ninnie made me a beautiful tree skirt for my birthday that completed the ensemble!
I'm glad we decided this was necessary and started our own little tradition. We had quite an adventurous afternoon trying to pull our dream together, but I think it's just perfect!

Special to my Mom: I hope you're proud of me! This is the first tree I've decorated without your expertise, but I think you'll like it! It's not quite finished, but it's snazzy nonetheless! Thanks for all the "training" in Christmas decorating these last twenty-something years and always letting me add my own little touches to ours at home! You've taught me so much... and I keep figuring out just how much little by little, day by day! You're the greatest. You truly are :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree..."

My surprise trip home was wonderful! Mom and I cranked up the Christmas tunes Wednesday afternoon and hung all of our garland and bows from the porch railing and put out the miniature spruce trees by the front door! There's nothing I look forward to more than spending such special time putting up our decorations with my mom!

Thursday, after an exciting trip to our honey hole, we had one more thing on our list to look for in order to complete our outside decorations. In lieu of actually finding a double-sided extension cord adapter thingy, we found "Humberto"! Yep, we found our tree! And thanks to the nice men, they put him up on Mom's car and tied him down all nice and tight so he would have a safe ride home!

I'm looking forward to heading home again soon to finish the decorating and see Humberto all relaxed and filled out!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's that time...

... for our friends at Rockefeller Center to light that wonderful Spruce!

...and for my other friends to kick their way into a holiday season of all things bright!

If you haven't guessed it yet, I am so excited for Christmas! I love everything this time of year bring with it! Hope everyone finds the reason for the season and enjoys loads of family time and makes a lot of wonderful memories! God has blessed us all! Let us remember how and why it all began!

Happy Holidays!

Let the decorating.............. B.E.G.I.N!
I'm heading home for a minute or two to surprise my mom! We usually purchase our Christmas tree over Thanksgiving, but we just got so darn busy this year. I can't image her picking out our little ombre' without me (yes, I said ombre'. For years now we've given our Christmas tree a Spanish name. "Pedro, Jose..." You get the picture!). I love Christmas and all the decorating that comes with it! It's always given me so many special memories.

Hello 2-7!!!

Dearest Dave,
I hope this year is FULL of wonderful things and gives way to all of your wildest dreams!
I hope you continue to reach for the stars and know that I'm behind you 110%!
I pray you find being another year older an exciting adventure, and not merely just "another year in the books"!
Life only gets better year by year, and I'm super excited to be spending mine with YOU :)
Happy December first, my love!
(Can we please put up Christmas decorations, now? I definitely don't mind them on my special day - which is coming soon!)

YAY! Happy Birthday, My Davis!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I MUST Admit...

I l.o.v.e. to catch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show every year!

It's one of the first (of many) once a year traditions that kicks off the holiday season! I know that sounds funny, but it's something me and my sorority sisters always made time for during Dead Week, and it's just something I continue to look forward to. I'm sure there's someone out there that doesn't quite understand, and that's ok, but I like all the glitter and the music and most of all.... THE WINGS! Yep, I said it! I love the outfits with the wings the absolute most!

Katy Perry and Akon were the performers this year, and although I loved Katy Perry's performance, I would much rather see Seal sing to Heidi Klum :)
Hope everyone tuned in last night! If not, or you've never sat down with your girlfriends to watch, you should totally youtube it. I'm sure you'll find some smidget!
Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guess What, Davis?

Happy BURFDAY Week, my love!
I hope you enjoy your time at home for a few days!
Since Dave and I have been together, and since BOTH of our birthdays are in the month of December and we've always had wonderful families that keep them totally seperate from the holiday season, we decided early on that a WEEK full of celebrations was absolutely necessary!
So, for the last three years worth of birthdays we've had BURFDAY WEEKS. This year will be no different... except Dave's gone on buisness :(
Guess I'll have to modify the process, just slightly!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Shopping

We gave our thanks...
We ate...
We enjoyed family...
We watched football and Miracle On 34th Street...
THEN... We stayed up until midnight to fight our way through Wal-Mart's Black Friday sales, laughing and trying not to get ran over by mad-women and their buggies full of toys!
It was great... Just like always :) Thanks for the memories, Mom!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

After sitting down at the table with our family, Mom asked everyone to go around and say one thing that we were thankful for. We've done this several times in the past, but it's always been mid-meal.
We all have so much to be thankful for, but I know for me, especially, I feel so blessed. I have a wonderful family that loves and supports me no matter what, I've found someone that I love spending time with and makes me laugh, and I'm about to embark on the start of my career and couldn't be more excited!
God is GOOD!
Hope everyone has a full belly and got lots of rest!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weekday Football and Date Night

Last week we had a Thursday night game. At first we were not going to go but then I called in a favor and Jeff Brooks got us some great seats to the game. We got our weekly fix of Alabama football and came home to enjoy our weekend. I saw this shirt walking around Thursday afternoon. It is never to early to take a shot at your rival.

Someone spent way to much money and someone else spent way to much time on this thing. On the other hand I thought it was cool.

Friday night was "Date Night". I love the fact that Loren isn't a girl that has to eat at a fancy place. We both love waffle house and it is always an experience with the people in there.

Loren told me before we left that she wasn't going to get a waffle. She usually gets a waffle and hash browns but this time she wanted something different. She went a little over our budget on this meal though.

I just stuck to my usual. They aren't as good as Ninnies though. We need to make a stop in her kitchen to learn how to make waffles and biscuits.

Update On Our Lives

Sorry to everyone who looks at this on a daily basis waiting for an update. It was my turn to do a blog and Loren has been getting onto me everyday about doing one. In case you don't know I do now have a job. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support over the last year. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I went back to school and finished what I started. I have now walked into the best job that anyone could ever have. I will post a link at the bottom so that everyone can take a look at what I have been doing. Here are some pictures over the last few weeks.

This one is for Loren. She always walks around looking for change to pick up. At least we will not ever be flat broke. She usually finds at least 1 penny every time we walk around campus. This day she found one but the road tar had gotten to it before she did. I thought it was funny and she was a little sad.

We have figured out a quick way to get out of the stadium and beat the crowd. The last game we just took a second to get a picture close to the field. I know I don't like pictures sometimes but I am thankful for Loren wanting to stop and take a picture. I do like looking back on all the memories we have made.

For all of you who don't know and haven't had one a Yellow Hammer is a game day must have. Don't ask just try. And bring your commemorative cup to our house. Soon we will have enough to call it fine china.

Here are some links to my job.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Hope you have a WONDERFUL day, Daddy!

Sorry I can't be there ON your special day, but I promise I'm sending you lots of hugs and kissess and tons of "Happy BURFDAY's" all day today in spirit!

And remember: The burfday weekend isn't over... YET!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hallow's Eve

Today's been a fun-filled Saturday...
A little errand running...
A little football...
And last but not least, a little Hocus Pocus to lead us into tomorrow, Halloween!
I remember loving this movie as a kid and always renting it from the video store around this time of year. Earlier in the week I missed it on ABC Family, so we recorded it earlier tonight during some football games! I'm super excited to get to reminisce! If you haven't seen it, you should! It's got Bette Milder in it :)
BTW: That huge front that came through Sunday/Monday of this week, totally wiped out our pumpkins! Yep, that's right. By Tuesday they were F.U.L.L. of mold and soggy :(

Friday, October 29, 2010

"Thankful for..."

Today I am thankful that Dave has returned from out of town safe and sound and with WONDERFUL news... all in time to have a lazy Saturday filled with college football!
YAY for Friday!
YAY for Dave's new job!
**Details from his trip coming soon!**

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Answered Prayers!

For almost a year now, Dave and I have been praying.
Almost a year ago to the day, Dave lost his job unexpectedly.
We've learned a l.o.t. over this past year. There have been things that have led us closer to God... Things that have made us both realize that we can't plan our own destiny... Things that have turned our world inside out at times. But, we've learn to put our trust in God, because He knows the plan, and He knows what's best for us.
Today however, God answered!
Dave got news today about a new job opportunity! I will hold out and let him inform all of you on the specifics, but I just wanted to share our excitement!
God answers prayers... In His time!
Special to Dave: I am so very proud of you! I know the last year has been nothing short of hard, and at times, trying, but I've seen the man that this last year has transformed you into, and I must say, he's incredible and strong! I pray this journey you are about to start leads you to places you never imagined life taking you. I pray doors will continue to open up to you, offering only the best! Today is YOUR day and I am so very proud of you!

"Derick Tell Your Mama"

This special lady deserves a post ALL her own!
She and her husband sat in the row in front of us and was nothing short of a hoot!
By the end of the third quarter, Coach Dooley was pitching some five year-old fits and I managed to yell out something about him calling his momma (good ole Barbara... you know, the one who calls into the Finebaum show).
From that point on, this sweet lady talked like Barbara and would make similar comments to Derick! Daddy and I laughed until our stomachs hurt! :)

Another "Third Saturday in October" Win

Year before last, Daddy and I decided to make the trip to Knoxville to see the Alabama vs. Tenneessee football game one of our traditions, and a way to continue our "father-daughter date night" that we used to have when I was a kid.

So... We set out early Saturday morning, in the Game Day Caddy! With our picnic basket packed and a full tank of gas, we were excited to embark on our Second Bi-Annual UA vs. UT road trip.
Three and a half hours and a few pit stops later, we said "Hello" to a sea of pumpkins and Neyland Stadium... A place where we rocked charts and knew our team was getting back it's "greatness" just two years ago.
Once we made our way through the gate and up the ramp, this is what you see from Gate 10!
"Rocky Top you'll N.E.V.E.R. be, home sweet home to me!"
There's our team! Getting ready to rock and roll to another win against the Tenneessee Vols!
Check out that sunset! Daddy felt like it might be a bad sign... Me on the other hand, just thought it was pretty!
By this point, we were up by three touchdowns and super excited we were going to be driving back home with another "W" in the books! RRRROOOOLLLLL TIDE!
Our father-daughter dates NEVER dissapoint, and I can't think of any other way to spend such a special win than with my daddy! We may not be making another trip to the National Championship this year, but that doesn't mean we don't still have one of the best teams in the country! Our boys have heart... and winning one of the biggest rivalaries since Coach Bryant's coaching days shows just how great they are!
Roll Tide!
To My Daddy: Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend! Our trips to Knoxville have always been so special to me! I hope we can make that trip for many years to come - except, eventually, I think we're going to have to give in to renting a room :) although sitting in traffic listinening to UT's coach whine will NEVER grow old! LOVE YOU BIG!

Jana's Pumpkin

Jana recently sent us her "free-hand" carving!

Perfectly appropriate!

While I try to figure out how to modify the poll, I shall place her pumpkin up on a post of it's own (so not to disregard her entry)!

Please check back for an updated poll. Most of you have probably noticed that the poll will only let you vote once!

In all fairness, if I have to re-do the poll to include Jana's entry, please consider all three pumpkins!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Diploma Frame

In case you cant tell this is the one post per who knows when that I am doing. I finally got my diploma in the mail and when Loren had time last week we took it to the frame store to see what we could find. This is what we came up with. What do you think? It took me long enough so I sure hope it stays looking good for a long time to come. Now I just need a job and an office to hang it in.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

2nd Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

Which pumpkin should win "BEST IN SHOW"?

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Vote now for your favorite pumpkin!

And if you have a photo of a pumpkin you carved that you would like to enter into the contest, shoot an email to

Contest will be open from October 21 until October 31!

Check back to see who the winner is. Should Dave and I be the only two entries, the loser has to give the winner a prize. If others choose to enter the contest, we shall revamp the possibilities of prizes! That should be an incentive to go get a pumpkin and get to carving :)