With our bags packed and suitcases loaded in the car, we head out to the "big" Birmingham International Airport. After checking our bags at the door (and holding my breath that mine was under the 50 lb limit) we proceeded to security. **Side note: Dave and I had gone to the grocery store Wednesday night and bought some snacks. Stuff like crackers and peanut butter, pop-tarts and apples, just to have around the room and in our bag while traveling and for a little pick-me-up in the afternoons. We thought this was just going to be fabulous. Now fast forward back to security** So, at this point we are a little behind (because I didn't get ready quite fast enough). We get all the way through the line and start unloading our pockets, taking our shoes off and pushing it all down the belt. Just when we thought we had made it, the little lady from security goes, "Who's bag is this?" Dave said it was his with this questionable look on his face. As she starts digging through our carry-on full of snacks, she finds our 18oz jar of peanut butter and says, "Sir, I'm going to have to through this away." After a little fiasco we had had at the grocery store the night before over the peanut butter, she was NOT going to throw that jar away! In order to keep the nice lady from throwing our peanut butter away though, Dave had to go all the way BACK outside to put it in our luggage that we had already checked and then come BACK through security. Needless to say, we cut time a little close leaving Birmingham, but we had the peanut butter.
Straight to the Forum Shops we heading and took our time gawking at everything.
After walking for a while longer, we went to try our hand at the Craps table (which proved well) and change for Dave's little surprise because we had to be downstairs at 7:00. Dave's surprise was a limo tour of Vegas at night. We got to go back to the sign to take some more pictures and then we set out on our quest. First was the fountain show - AGAIN! Then, a wedding chapel - just for PICTURES!
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