Sunday, May 16, 2010

Father/Daughter Date @ Ross Bridge

Happy Sunday!

Daddy and I spent the day out at Ross Bridge for the annual Region's Charity Classic!
We decided early on that we would walk the course this year, so we headed out to hike up to the box on hole one (let me tell you, this was quite the hill... it was so deceiving!).
We eventually made our way back around to the club house and camped out at the ninth hole.

We were so blessed to have enjoyed most of the day without the rain, but just as we decided that it was time to head home, the bottom fell out!

Never fear, though, Daddy's always prepared!
We had packed rain jackets in my book bag along with a few snacks and an umbrella!
Daddy and I had a wonderful outing... Another perfect early morning/afternoon date :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Let The Countdown Begin

The time has come to start the wedding countdown!
One year from today two families will unite...
Get excited!
Keep an eye on our wedding website for updates (as we solidify our plans) and our blog for fun stories along our way to the BIG day!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Project One: FINISHED!

Here's to getting things D.O.N.E. this summer! Here are some pictures:

RUST-OLEUM: The best spray paint there is (in my opinion, I suppose). I've painted a few things with this particular brand of spray paint and it hasn't failed me yet.
Wire Brush: This was a new feat for me :) Mom said just "use it like a brush to get the flakes off". Well, I hope I did it right (she said that there wasn't a "wrong way" to using a wire brush... but, I bet there is)!
Last summer I inherited these super sweet patio chairs, a two-seater couch and a little table that all match! I was pretty excited and thankful but knew they needed a little love!
They weren't in bad shape at all, they just needed a new coat of paint... I had to decide between matte and semi-gloss paint, but once I got to the Wally-World and saw they only had three cans of matte, that made my decision easier on the finish!
This is just an up close of the before and after on the arms of the chairs. Notice that the iron looks great, condition wise, it just needed a little sprucing :)

I used the wire brush in a few places that were a little rusty, but other than that, these were a peach to paint.
And... My FINISHED product! I couldn't fit the little two-seater in the picture and still be close enough to show off my mad spray paint job, so here are the chairs and table.

I can't wait to find some cute cushions for these little beauties! Oh... the summer afternoon chats that will be had in these chairs...


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Summer Projects!

My break is coming up on it's one week mark and I must say, I've enjoyed nothing more than doing... well, nothing :)

Actually, I take that back. I have finished the book I had started when mom and I took our road trip (which I think I failed to post about), tried to catch up on some much needed sleep and fed my belly FULL of good home cooking! I would say all of those things are still in the realm of relaxing!

Today, however, I did start a little project. There are some things on my "To-Do" list that I've been thinking about and felt like there was no better day than today to start!

I have currently misplaced my camera, so check back tomorrow for pictures!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can't Wait!

With finals underway, I can't keep my mind off of heading H.O.M.E.!

Three days and counting...


Oh boy. I promise you, you don't know how excited I am! I miss my sweet family and long for their hugs :)

Three days... I think I can make it!

I think (eek)!

We're Getting By With a P.A.

Even though our lives have been filled with studying and projects and papers and school, we've gotten through the last few weeks with one thing in mind:
We decided that we were going to tackle school head on and that's what we are doing! Dave's last final is tomorrow morning while I still have one Thursday and one on Friday. We can see the light and we couldn't be happier!
Thanks for all of the love, support and prayers you've given to us!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I Found a NEW Honey Hole!

For as long as I have been at school, I can't count how many times I've passed this little place!
Yesterday, while Dave and I were out trying to find a Redbox with the movie we wanted, we drove by the Tuscaloosa Flea Market. As you can see, they are only open three days a week. So, when we passed it yesterday, I asked Dave to remind me about going today! We both remembered this morning and I am SO glad I went. The ladies that worked the booths in this place were incredible and so were their finds! I immediately found a sofa table that I would have L.O.V.E.D. to have taken home, but I was quickly informed that it was already sold. *Tear*
I did, however, happen upon this jackpot of lovelies! I was/am still so excited!
There were a few pieces that I would have loved to have bought, but I'm trying to keep the milk glass purchases to special occasions so that I will always feel a flood of memories when I use that special piece!
There was SOO much to look at. And if you can tell, they're just stacked and stacked! There's even another shelf or too behind this bakers wrack full!
I had to finally just make myself pick up my purse and walk away :) Otherwise, I could've just sat down in the floor and looked through every piece! AH!
Growing up, my mom and Nana always had things that they collected or had that they just adored! I love that I think I have finally found my "something"! No one's using stuff like this anymore and I don't know why, but I think I will... I love being unique!