Friday, December 3, 2010

(key the music from Charlie Brown's Christmas)

SO... after much debate and discussion as to whether or not we were going to put up our own Christmas tree here at school, Dave insisted we have one. When I brought up the subject, I was thinking "small, table-top tree"... you know, the ones that are just a little bit bigger than the small ones you have in your room as a kid, but not really big enough to put in the floor somewhere. The ones you could actually go a chop down from an open field somewhere because we're not really needing something HUGE. Dave did not quite agree. He also did not agree to my feelings of getting a "REAL" spruce, Douglas Fur or anything of the kind :( Nope. So there we were... standing in the Target, looking at (wait for it) FAKE trees. Yep, I said it. I vowed I would never give in and have another fake tree after my mom promised me we N.E.V.E.R. had to put ours up again, but, we have one and I'm thankful and excited for the bit of Christmas spirit it brings to our home! I have a nice little evergreen scented candle (*thanks Sandye*) I shall light to make myself feel as though my new friend is straight from the wilderness.
**Let the people of blogland note, though, there WILL be a r.e.a.l. tree in my house next year and for every year after that (when space shall allow for one). Dave has promised.**

As for decorating our tree: We had nilch as far as decorations went, because 1. I hadn't planned on having a tree, and 2. I've always just had a small tree that my mom gave me, with miniature ornaments. SO... in addition to purchasing our new friend, we also scored some glittery balls at a g.r.e.a.t. buy and colorful "sticks" my mom and I eyed the week of Thanksgiving (that Dave hated the moment I picked them up and said we "needed" them... they are VERY glittery, what boy would like them?) and Ninnie made me a beautiful tree skirt for my birthday that completed the ensemble!
I'm glad we decided this was necessary and started our own little tradition. We had quite an adventurous afternoon trying to pull our dream together, but I think it's just perfect!

Special to my Mom: I hope you're proud of me! This is the first tree I've decorated without your expertise, but I think you'll like it! It's not quite finished, but it's snazzy nonetheless! Thanks for all the "training" in Christmas decorating these last twenty-something years and always letting me add my own little touches to ours at home! You've taught me so much... and I keep figuring out just how much little by little, day by day! You're the greatest. You truly are :)

1 comment:

  1. Your Tree is beautiful.I think you did a great job. Looking forward to Christmas.
