Thursday, October 22, 2009


YAY for Momma' s birthday :)

I'm a little late getting some posts up, but better than never, right?

Two weekends ago on OCTOBER 10, was my mom birthday - and it just so happened that it was my Fall Break as well!

The weekend started off with me surprising Momma Wednesday morning. I was supposed to have had my mental health clinical rotation that day at The Harper Center, but it got canceled :) I had ordered Mom this cool birthday present online and had to wait for the UPS man to stop by Dave's office before I could depart for a weekend of fun though! Let me tell you what: I'm not a very patient person when there's a surprise involved and I'm supposed to be headed HOME! Nevertheless, I waited and Dave called the minute the guy found it! I got home, surprised my Mom and we immediately went to our most FAVORITE place: the THRIFT STORE! Mom and I can spend hours in this place and come out with the cutest, most fabulous things you would have NEVER thought about looking for :) Mom made a wonderful dinner that night (Cube Steak with Biscuit and Gravy) and made mention about taking a day trip to Atlanta on Friday. Of course I was game! I didn't sleep much on Thursday night just anticipating our wonderful adventure - because that's exactly what we have when the two of us make such escapades... ADVENTURE, and they're always so much fun :)

Atlanta traffic is definitely NOT something either of us are used to dealing with! Of course, with it being a Friday, we hadn't quite mentally prepared enough for what we were getting into. Once we had made it through IKEA, looked the five mile radius over for a fabric store Mom had heard about, we decided it would probably just suit us best to find another one of our favorite stores: TJMaxx! As we set out to continue our journey, I came to a funny realization. In Atlanta traffic, Mom likes to hold on tight to the steering wheel while I grasp the handle on the door and laugh hysterically. Of the times we've road-tripped to Atlanta by ourselves, this seems to be the natural course of action - and I LOVE IT! This time, I just happened to capture the moment!

In the midst of our grasping and laughing, we saw this lady.... OH MY! She was holding on tighter than we were, talking to her herself. She'd speed up a little then slow down. She'd get over in the middle lane (when someone was obviously coming up behind her) just to have someone else in the lane she was moving over into honk at her. I sure hope she got to where she needed to go that day! We just wanted to get out of her way!
I managed to keep a little surprise from Momma ALL DAY about her birthday dinner at The Montana. Daddy had made plans for some of their good friends to meet and surprise her at dinner. Jack is one of Mom and Dad's very best friends and just happens to celebrate his birthday the day before Mom's! Birthday Buddies they will forever be :)
All of our crew was there as well along with Mom and Dad's other set of good friends: Ray, Paris and sweet Abby Rae! Miss Abby is my birthday buddy! She was born three years ago on my birthday just minutes after I was born! Special... I know! I get pretty excited about it :)
Saturday Morning (Momma's actual birthday) we got up, made her a birthday breakfast and made her eat breakfast in bed with her birthday hat! (I'm trying to stay out of trouble by not posting those pictures - although I think they're just wonderful!)

All in all, I think Mom's birthday weekend was a success! I told Mom that she should be excited about her birthday! She said to her it was just another day, but to me, I know I'm happy to have my mom another year and if she doesn't want to celebrate, I ALWAYS will! I'll celebrate another birthday for as along as I can :)
To the moon and the stars and BACK!

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