So, Dave and I have started a "TWO MONTH TRX BOOTCAMP" at our house.
Yep, you heard right. We started working out Monday and have vowed to work our little booties to the day we leave for NYC!
That weird contraption hanging from the door: that would be TRX. It's nothing more than using your own body weight in exercises you've probably done a million times before in a more productive and intense way.
This morning, though, Ashby Girl decided she wanted to work out, too! She sat quietly for a little while watching every move her Davis made, and then... without one little peep, decided she needed in on the action.
Words cannot express how FUNNY this was! I wish I had hit "video" on my iphone!
**Side Note: If you're wondering what all that crap is on the back of our front door... It's Wedding Central Station! We sat down the other day and wrote out everything we needed to do and put it on the door. It's helping a TON!**