Sunday, March 13, 2011

Browsing Barnes and Noble

Dave and I decided a while back that we wanted to do some pre-marriage counseling with the pastor at our church before we got married. We love him dearly and the person the encourages us to be! During our first session we talked about what our Love Language was. If you've never heard about this or have but would really like to delve a little deeper into, go grab the book! After church Sunday I meandered over to our Barnes and Noble and decided this (along with another book I'll show you in a minute) was something I wanted to read before we got married - in TWO MONTHS!After talking through the five different Love Languages in our session, it finally made complete sense why Dave and I handle things differently and why we need comfort and compassion in different ways! God's working in our lives... I can just feel it!

The other book I picked up was another one by Gary Chapman. It encourages you to take a look into the person you are and the way you were raised in order to be the best significant other possible - all the while growing together in Christ.
I can't tell you how excited I am to start reading! I'm hoping to read The Five Love Languages before our next meeting, so I guess I better get busy!

On my way to the check out counter, I also spotted this little baby! The title, of course, caught my attention, but after opening it and reading a few little entries I was beside myself at how true some of these things were! I did not purchase this particular book, but if anyone's curious or needs a cute little gift for a newly married couple, I think this would be perfect! I almost bought the two they had (on sale for $6.88) to keep and give away to my friends as they got married!
Go get the first book! You won't regret better understanding your own Love Language and those of the people closest to you!

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