Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fun Day

Since Saturday's are supposed to be fun days....

What are YOU doing today?

My Saturday ritual:
  • Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast
  • ESPN College Gameday
  • Maybe some pool time
  • HESI reading

Did you comment on yesterday's post about what you're thankful for?

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Thankful For..." Friday

Today I am thankful for:
Having a fella that's super supportive and willing to go on walks with me after a long day in class - especially when we get to take funny pictures and play on The Quad! It makes for a perfect end to a long day!
In light of the craziness the next seven weeks will bring, though, I've been thinking a lot about the things I have to be thankful for. With stress and those "dark times" also comes relief and light, so every Friday (even though I've been trying to do this more every day), I'm going to make my post about some thing/one/gesture that's really stood to me that I am thankful for! And I encourage you to take a little time each day to find some thing/one/gesture that makes your day a little more special, too! 'Cause even on the bad days... there's something that happens - you just gotta be open enough to realize it :)
"Be thankful for the little things", my mom has always said!
I'm thankful, Mom... EVERY DAY! :) Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader! I'm thankful for your sweet pep-talks when I'm down and your encouraging words that lift me up! You and Daddy make my "things I'm thankful for EVERYDAY!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Zumba Fever

... What more needs to be said?
But, if you have NO CLUE what I am talking about, then we need to catch you up!
About a month ago, while at home, my sister invited me to this class at the gym. "ZUMBA" she called it. I had never heard of it, but it sounded interesting enough. I went, and BOY OH BOY did I sweat like I haven't sweat since... well, high school dance team. Yep. If you want to know just how out of shape you are, try a modern-adult dance class called ZUMBA!
Long story short, they offer classes six days a week here at The Rec at school and I'm hooked! I absolutely love it (love being such a STRONG word seeing as though the same instructor doesn't teach every class and I've now come to figure out that I like this one particular girl's class more than of the others)!
Need a lower body, cardio-intense workout that will leave your legs feeling like jello (if you get the right instructor)? Try ZUMBA!
But, PLEASE... Be fully aware that you may not be able to move the morning after the first class :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ducks Last First Day's of School

So I am making a guest apperance on the blog. If I mess up then o well. Who knew that the last first day of school would be such a hard thing to pick out an outfit for. I think I wore basketball shorts and a tshirt. Loren must have gone threw five different outfits and then just when you think we can go back to watching tv there comes the shoe choices. Just when you get that figured out they change because the possibility of rain. Either way she won the award for best dressed im sure.

She is going to kill me for this picture being on here and I am sure it will only be up for a few days so look quick. This is my future nurse concentrating hard.

So now Loren has started her last first day and mom has done the same. After 35 years of teaching middle school kids she is finally going to try something else. She can tell you the exact amount of days she has left as can loren. I wasnt this fortunate because I didnt really know if I was ever going to get done but boy when that day came I sure was happy to never have to go back. Then again I am beginning to think Law School would be fun. I am just waiting on a sponsor. Any takers?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Home"... For The Next EIGHT WEEKS

School starts tomorrow...
<--- And, that's our new buidling.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hotel Brooks

We joined the Birmingham Boys at the lake this weekend for one last hoorah before the summer came to an end, life got busy and football consumes our every weekend (which is okay in my book)! Needless to say, we had a blast and loved getting to spend some special time with some incredible people. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs were a must for lunch Saturday and they were delicious! Complements to Chef Dave and Chef Austin! Cookies anyone? Let's just say the cookie consumption this weekend was a little out of control :)

Jack had a mission this weekend to get up on ONE SKI and after a "few" attempts, he managed to achieve his goal - and I scored an incredible action shot!

Of course the boys could always be found suiting up for a trip in boat - or getting ready to DOUBLE up on an intertube ride as you see here!

And, after hours of dragging someone around behind the boat, the weekend had to come to an end. Big kid life was looming... Our last weekend before school starts (for me) = SUCCESS! I am so happy we got to spend some time with some of our best friends!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It's official. I feel like I have already reached panic mode and school hasn't even started!

This lovely little friend I have here ------->
has been almost glued to my person this week and the longer I read to "refresh" my brain, the more overwhelmed I become.

I have THREE, yes let's count them together dear friends: T.H.R.E.E. chances to pass this horrendous exit exam coming up this semester and the first one is October 1.


Can you add me to your prayer list NOW?

I need to get a hold on my life and find my "P.M.A." from this spring's round of test...



We've been working on a new little design background the last day or so and wanted to share with you our inspiration for our new title!

Just this last weekend, Mom and I were catching up on some much needed play time and decided to stop by this antique/flea market that inhabits the old Wal-Mart in Leeds. We have passed by it numerous times, never really thinking much about stopping. Sunday, though, I had an inkling to see what this place was all about and I'm so glad we stopped!

I have learned, from experience, that if I'm going to a "little" antique store, I need to give myself a limit as to what I can walk out of there buying. Silly... maybe. Smart on my part... DEFINITELY! Otherwise, I would be in B.I.G. trouble some days :)

So, Sunday I told myself and my mom that I could spend $5.00. I had exactly five dollars in cash in my wallet and that was my "find" limit. Twenty minutes or so before heading out the front door, my mom happens upon this little beauty:

Two Elephants on a Seesaw!

I am so happy my mom bought them for me! Dave L.O.V.E.D. them, too (double score)! They are currently sitting on the tv cabinet in the living room for all to enjoy, but I'm thinking there's probably a better place to display my new friends ;) Until their relocation though, they can enjoy the sweet flowers, too!
*Thanks Momma for my special prize! I just love it ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kid's Meal, Please!

Ever have those nights where you don't know what you want to eat, but you know it's not going to be anything that's actually "GOOD" for you? Well, we both kinda had one of those nights tonight. As you can see from the picture, dinner consisted of:
  • Fruit Loops
  • Pinching Cake (aka Angel Food Cake)
  • Chips and Salsa

I'm sure you could throw some candy in there somewhere along with a Coke, too!

This doesn't happen often, but when it does... Boy Oh Boy, does dinner look... well, like something a small child would DIE to have.

What can you say? It just happens that way sometimes :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Story Time

Ever wonder what age is going to be "too old" to expect for your child to want to have story time with you?

Obviously Dave doesn't feel as if he's too big yet, being a new graduate and all!

He L.O.V.E.S. story time with his daddy! Yep, every Sunday (whenever he's at home) he makes it a point to crawl up in his daddy's lazy boy with him and have a little reading time.

Don't you all hope your children have the same desire as they get older?

This should definitely give you something to hope for! After all, at the ripe 'ole age of twenty-six, he's still daddy's little boy!

...Even if he has to be slightly restrained :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

To MY UA Alumnus

My Dearest Dave,
Words cannot begin to express how excited I am for you! I have sat back and watched as you've grown into this amazing man over the last four and a half years and I cannot believe my eyes! You, my sweet fella, have great things awaiting you in life, and I can't wait for those wonderful doors to open! I know that I've told you so many times that God has big plans for you and one of those unfolded before you today! It may have been a long journey, but boy has it been a great one! I pray daily that we, (yes that's you + me) will always trust in the Lord to lead us in the direction He would have us go and that's been my prayer for a long time! And as long as we go together I can't imagine it being anything but grand. I pray that you will always hold fast to your dreams and have that yearning desire for something amazing! You did it my love, YOU did it!I hope this day resonates in your heart forever and fuels your desires for always! Be BIG, my Davis... DREAM BIG!

I love you... "Most definitely today"!

UA Commencement Ceremony, August 2010

Saturday Morning, 0645!
Davis might not seem very happy in this picture, but please do NOT let it mask the utter delight he was feeling about being a college graduate! He's simply expressing to you how he feels about having to be up so early in order to be a part of the commencement process :)
Yep... That particular gown is specially made for those who are not vertically challenged like me!
"Over... Under... Swoop Around..." Or something like that, I think :)
All put together and ready! (*Can you tell he's excited NOW???*)
After figuring out where my man was, I made a quick little trip down a "few" stairs to try and snap a better picture. I am sorry to report that my little point and shoot Nikon pocket camera doesn't make the best pictures in the coliseum :( With that being said, I apologize in advance (especially to you, Dave) that the most important pictures of the day are not of a better quality. BUT... that still doesn't take away from the love and excitement we all felt for this gentleman!
It's FINALLY Dave's turn!
So, I thought I was being smart! I thought I could snap a picture of him shaking hands and I accidentally got the kid in front of him :( I was so sad. I did, however, get him from the neck down. If you'll look closely, he's the one in the top right... from the waist down that is :)
That's Dave walking down the stairs (once again, I am TERRIBLY sorry!).
CONGRATULATIONS, University of Alabama Graduates of 2010! Hello World! Here they come!
(On the phone with my daddy. He couldn't be here today due to work, but he was on top of calling to congratulate Dave!)
The very PROUD Ashley family! Way to go, Dave!
Post ceremony Dave needed a little lunch! Little did he know he had fans at his all time favorite eatery... who thought he had just graduated from YALE UNIVERSITY!
So, I love BBQ as much as the next, but ribs... they're a little messy ;) I love this picture, however because it reminds me of a picture Dave has from the day after I met him (wearing a bib and everything). I didn't actually know him at that point, but was happy I ran into him that New Year's Eve oh so long ago! And... in true Ashley kid fashion, he would have his mouth open and F.U.L.L. of food (yuck!).

I love you kid, and I am so very proud of you!

Pre-Graduation Dinner

The day is finally here! Dave graduates tomorrow morning and we are all so very excited!We have been decorating and making goodies and celebrating most of the week and couldn't be happier about it! We have a college graduate... and he's just wonderful!
We kicked the official weekend celebrations off at Cypress Inn for dinner with Ninnie, Mike, Sandye and Jana... my momma... Nina and Frankie... Brack and Robbie! We had quite the crowd at dinner, toasting to this very proud fella!
Jana had flown in Thursday night to show her love to her little brother and for his magnificent accomplishment (she did, after all, lend a little helping hand in the process... just like big sisters should)!
We had a LOVELY evening, but are soo excited for tomorrow!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ocoee White Water Rafting

Happy August, Everyone!

July has come and gone, but the heat is still lingering! Dave and I found a way to BEAT THE HEAT, though!

For years (literally), we have been wanting to go up to the Ocoee to go white water rafting, and we finally made it happen! Yesterday, the two of us plus Luke and JV along with Sandye and Mike made the trek :)
Sure everyone (except the boys of course) was a little apprehensive, but after a little rain and some rocking on the porch, we were ready to ride!
Needless to say, we had a B.L.A.S.T.! Dave and I both agreed that we cannot wait to go back - complete with a night of camping and everything!