Sunday, August 8, 2010

Story Time

Ever wonder what age is going to be "too old" to expect for your child to want to have story time with you?

Obviously Dave doesn't feel as if he's too big yet, being a new graduate and all!

He L.O.V.E.S. story time with his daddy! Yep, every Sunday (whenever he's at home) he makes it a point to crawl up in his daddy's lazy boy with him and have a little reading time.

Don't you all hope your children have the same desire as they get older?

This should definitely give you something to hope for! After all, at the ripe 'ole age of twenty-six, he's still daddy's little boy!

...Even if he has to be slightly restrained :)

1 comment:

  1. I would have never dreamed that Uncle Mikey could even read ;-)!
