Saturday =
FUN DAY, FUN DAYSaturday became quite an
adventurous day for "Dave and Duck"!
While at home over
Christmas break, my mom and I found
this beautiful bedroom suite at one of our hometown furniture shops. At first glance I thought it was pretty. With saying that, it's nothing unusual for us to walk into a
furniture store and completely redecorate our humble abode :) with
the things we see that we like! We walk around the entire store both
critiquing and admiring the pieces we deem worthy of our time (ha!). We went BACK into this same store again over the break and I realized that I had absolutely fallen in LOVE with this bedroom suite... not just "liked" it. I quickly realized that this was one of those "GOTTA HAVE IT... when I'm a big girl" moments. I stood and stared long enough that the sales associate ( that knows us well enough to know we usually just come in to look), came over and asked us if we needed any help:) I quickly said "NO", because I didn't. I have no where to put such a
gorgeous and HUGE bedroom suite, but hopefully one day... when I'm a big girl...

So, our first
endeavour of the day was to visit the ginormous
Ashley Furniture Store here in town! I was super
excited (A. That I was going to get to show Dave this amazing set of furniture I had found, but B. That he actually wanted to go!). Per usual, we got ATTACKED when we walked in the front door. The guy leeched on to us
SOO TIGHTLY I ended up telling him what we had come to see. He quickly showed us to the section of the floor that housed my dream bed... then
proceeded to stay... and stay... and stay. This guy stayed so close to us that Dave and I couldn't even talk about the bed! So, I said "THANK YOU", and we walked off towards the couches and horrendous lazy boy reclining sofas that Dave wants (GAG)! We eventually were able to make our way back to the area we
initially came to look at. The vote is in: Dave actually liked it, too! I was super excited about this. Now all I have to do is... Graduate, Get a JOB, Get Married, and find a room big enough to house my dream bed... Easier said than done :( But, I will keep tabs on it - no worries!

Outside the store was this copper elephant. Dave insisted we take pictures (of course) to document our journey for everyone, and because it was an elephant! Who doesn't love those?

After our play time in the furniture store we headed to
Hobby Lobby to see if there was any fabric there that Dave might be interested in having his chair recovered in (EEK!). Luckily, we found some
houndstooth fabric he liked, but we're going to need to figure out how clean he's going to be able to keep it (it DOES have some white in it people!). His comment to this, "I guess I'll have to start using a napkins". YUCK... No matter what it's covered in, I'm sure it will be just as special as it always has been! If anyone has any suggestions about fabric or places to look for fabric, let us know!
While at Hobby Lobby, we somehow ended up on the cake isle! OH BOY :) Get excited for what is coming next! Dave found a football shaped cake pain and insisted we make a purchase... and head home (RIGHT THEN - because, no worries, he was ready to exit the store as quickly as possible) to bake. After only slightly annoying him by asking to go down almost every isle (just to see how long I
could keep him in there after he had found his "toy"), we made out way to the check out counter and then to the car... on a mission at this point to
Publix, to finish our shopping for THE CAKE!

Publix, Dave also insisted that normal chocolate cake icing made by Pillsbury just would not do, and that we HAD to make
Ninnie's icing. Phone calls were made, groceries were bought and we were headed to my
house to bake a football cake (because Dave's oven tends to burn things within five minutes)!
FIRST, though, we had to read the instructions :)

Secondly, came all of the ingredients that we would need. WHOOPS, guess what we had forgotten though? Crisco shortening and food coloring for the icing! The MOST important part :(
MMM... Getting close to putting this thing in the oven!
Bake for 55-60 minutes @ 325 degrees!

Licking the bowl is one of OUR favorite parts :) Dave actually "shared" on this one. He wouldn't be so nice later when it came to the icing :(

After 55-60 minutes of baking (yeah... we thought this was FOREVER, too), it was time for our
original second half of our Saturday FUN DAY! The cake had to cool for at least another hour, so we figured it could definitely wait to be iced until we got back!
The second half of our Saturday FUN DAY plan had been to go see the highly talked about "
The Blind Side". Yes, we know... we were in the SMALL minority of people who had yet to see the award winning, heart touching, leave you feeling like your life had been touched movie. Well people, let me just tell you. If you walked away from that movie not feeling touched... not feeling like YOU could do more for someone... not having a yearning desire to be one thousand times the person you are now for someone else, then you need to re-evaluate you life! Our hearts were touched in more ways than imaginable after this Hollywood movie. It put our life and worries into a whole new perspective! WE are blessed, in so many ways. The least we can do, NOW, is to reach out to someone else. Whatever award this film gets this award session is well deserved.
Once we got home, Dave quickly got to work on his icing.

We were never really able to accomplish the "BROWN" color we were looking for, but decided an Alabama cake would taste just as good :) Dave did all the decorating PLUS the
graffiti on the aluminum around the cake (ha!).

I've never seen anyone more excited and proud of a cake they had baked than I did from Dave last night! All day, all he wanted to do was "make a
Ninnie cake"! Personally, I think he did a pretty good job :)
Coming SOON... to the next SUPER BOWL, Alabama Tailgate or event of your choice:
CHEF DAVE'S FOOTBALL CAKE! **Please call at least ONE WEEK in advance for orders! It takes him a while, and he doesn't like for others to help :(**
Sounds like the 2 of you had a great day! I wish I had a piece of cake. It looks pretty good. Dave, you should be proud! I love the furniture. And I will agree, the movie is an absolutely wonderful experience!
ReplyDeletePS - The cake is YUMMY :) But, Dave has aagreed to the chocolate idea for the next one! Maybe it'll look more like a REAL "pigskin"!