Monday, January 18, 2010

We're BACK :)

Sorry to all of you that have been checking our blog consistently since Christmas, and being disappointed each time :( I have been EXTREMELY busy, and Dave refuses to blog by himself (ha!).

School has started back and already going full steam ahead. I've got OB, Pediatrics and Community Health this semester and I'm hoping for it to be the BEST one yet! I've heard from some of my fellow sorority sisters and classmates that semester four is wonderful. (I hope they weren't lying and it doesn't let me down!) I've always thought that once I graduated, I might want to work somewhere between OB, Peds and the nursery... After last week, I'm almost certain! We only go to the hospital ONE day a week this time, and I'm already wishing I had more time :)

Wednesday is my day off for the next three weeks, so I am hoping to be able to find a little time this week to maybe post a few pictures from Christmas break just to catch everyone up!

We hope everyone had a marvelous Christmas and made spectacular memories! I know that I realize more and more each day how special I am to have such loving people around me... giving all their love and support! I am so THANKFUL for all of you - you guys are so WONDERFUL!

Hope you all enjoyed your day off :)



  1. Loren, I know you have a lot to do this semester but I'd like to add one additional responsibility. Be sure Dave keeps up with his work, too!

  2. HAHA! He's been doing really well so far. He's made his own "Monday and Wednesday" morning homework schedule that he's stuck to- for the last two weeks at least! It's a great start. I'm excited for him to be excited about school again!
