Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let The Draft Begin!

Yep, that's right folks. These two (Dave and I) are pretty pumped about tonight's first round picks! (And if you haven't read my previous post, then would probably wouldn't know that I was in NYC last year during the Draft and got to go into Radio City Music Hall during Sunday's round - pretty cool, if I may say so myself [definitely a once in a lifetime experience]!)
We've got quite a few our of beloved players up for some picks and we're keeping our fingers crossed for good teams! I'm not that big into the professional football stuff, but after feeling some slight emotional attachment to some of our players that decided to "go pro", I think it might transform my opinion.
This is the latest I could find on Rolando McClain, here are some stats and an incredible statement I found on "I don't know that I've met a more intelligent young man in relation to the game of football than Rolando McClain", Bronco's coach John McDaniel told reporters last week.
Here's a little scoop on Mt. Cody with his stats.
Studying is important, but so are some of the little things in life. Here's to trying to do BOTH tonight. Maybe Dave will be nice and blog "post-first round" news!

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