Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ashby Girl's First Haircut

It's summer. It's hot. Ashby needed a haircut.

But... what she got was maimed! Dave and I had been holding out on getting Ashby groomed because we loved her just the way she was - ball of fur and all. But as the summer progressed we noticed her having a little harder time on walks and figured she was probably past due on being groomed. Because we adopted Ashby from such special people, Mrs. Sharon sent us home with specific grooming directions for us to take when we took Ashby for a haircut.

Please remember: She's NOT a poodle, nor should she be cut like one. She's a Goldendoodle. The groomer the vet suggested in our new area, however, did not feel the same way.

Prior to Dave taking her to this new groomer, he emailed her, asked her about having Ashby cut, sent her the step by step instruction Mrs. Sharon made and asked her IF she felt like she could give our little girl a proper summer do. Much to our shock, she said sure.

The result of this "haircut" though, was a l.o.t. of tears on my part and a visit back to the groomer to let her know just how unhappy I was that she maimed by dog. UGH. And to make matters worse, we had to take the poor pup to the vet the next morning. Ended up, she had a double ear infection, probably caused by the grooming the previous day :(

Why the haircut bothered me so much, I'll never know, but for about three days, I thought she might have given us the wrong dog back. You know how people will say getting little boy's hair cut "brings out the mean" in them? Well, Ashby followed suit here. It was as if this puppy thought she had a new leaf on life. U.N.C.O.N.T.R.O.L.L.A.B.L.E. was the word.


I am happy to report, though, she is beginning to fluff back out, and we will NOT be returning to that particular groomer. I'm sure Snuff enjoyed being a little "lighter" for a few weeks, but I'm sure happy to have my curly monkey back. Eye boogers and all ;)

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