Sunday, July 3, 2011

Big Girl Job: Day One

The day I had been praying for came without me being 110% ready.

To my disbelief, I had managed to come home from our honeymoon with an ear infection, which landed us in an urgent care facility way too early on Sunday morning. So here I am... about to start a new job (May 24th) and I've got a double ear infection. Let's just say I was NOT feeling too swell.

But, Monday came (go figure), and I put on my big girl clothes and headed out to my big girl job. Dave stepped into my mom and dad's role quite nicely that morning! He got up with me, made sure to take my picture - documenting my day - and gave me the encouragement I needed to get through it... feeling like poop. He's pretty good that way... pretty good :) I made it through the first half of the day, and felt the need to keep Dave in the loop with a picture of my "provided" lunch. Contrary to what it may look like, it was actually pretty good. Looking back though, I don't know if it was because I was more overwhelmed with everything being thrown at me, or the simple fact that I had just gotten off a cruise where everything you ate was like a four course meal! Some times you just need a sandwich, you know?

So, as I sat through my first day of orientation, I realized just how much I had enjoyed spending countless hours at home, giving my puppy and new husband, my undivided attention. Being away from them was going to be an adjustment, but I quickly remembered that as long as I, too, continued to document my day (and send pictures), they were really there with me!

To end my day, though, I came back to my car in th parking deck to find that I couldn't even get in the driver's side door :( I was upset/panicked and wasn't quite sure what to do. I was also holding my breath that when I finally did get inside and was able to back out, I wouldn't find any damage done to my car. Luckily, there wasn't a scratch. HOW?... I haven't a clue.
Over all, Day One was just as overwhelming as the first day of each semester of nursing school was... I went back and forth between crying and being excited all the way home and learned quickly that my sweet Ashby Girl was always going to be waiting for me with lots of hugs and kisses at the back door! And that made whatever happened at work, all the better.

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