Sunday, March 7, 2010

...And the Savage's Surprises go to...

Remember the special surprise Dave and I picked up LAST Friday? Well, I am going to let you all in on a little secret: This is how I asked to three special people to be in mine and Dave's wedding (with these "sweet" little surprises)! Box One was the reason for our trip to the Post Office! We needed to send a special package to Sweet Amelie! She lives in NYC so I had to make sure the cookie got to her fresh and unbroken! I wish I had taken a picture of what it looked like by the time Dave and I got finished wrapping it in bubble wrap, but the good news is: She got it - in one piece! YAY! I also wish I could have given it to her personally, but, we have to do what we have to do and the phone call I got "post opening" the package was just as great!

Box Two was a special delivery to Miss Sarah! We managed to catch her still roaming around Bham and luckily on our way home from the wondeful basketball game! These were meant to be cute, happy little surprises but so far, I'm two for two on my special friends crying... Then laughing hysterically :) Sarah, more or less, is the reason Dave and I are together, so I couldn't imagine anyone more fitting to be a part of our special day!Box Three was the hardest to deliver! My Dearest Abigail, with her super busy schedule, had to be caught! Dave actually ran into her meandering to class on Monday, but I didn't get to deliver her surprise until Friday. I knew she had a jammed-packed schedule with her dad being down for parents weekend, so I had decided to just drop by the house to either drop it off by her door or, as I was praying, that I would bump into her :) So, Dave and I went by the house Friday afternoon and it just so happened I ran into this pretty lady right as she was leaving! She loved the cookie (as I knew she would), and I was happy I had finally gotten to ask my last sweet friend for such a special favor!

I was hoping to have pictures with everyone, but sometimes life throws us all a few curve balls. Never fear, though, there will be many more opportunities soon to come!

1 comment:

  1. SUCH a cute and sweet (on multiple levels!) idea!! YAYYYYY for exciting wedding festivities to come!!!!!!!
