Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Game Day and The Good Luck Charm!

Sunday presented to us, The Main Event!
Jana's game was to be played at two in the afternoon, and boy were ALL the Ashley's excited (as was I)! We kicked the morning off with a delightful breakfast with everyone, but me, in true George Mason colors! Dave was pretty upset when I pulled out my outfit choice for the day. (**Quick Flashback: Last year around this time, Dave and I made a trip to D.C. to visit with Jana. It was their Pink Meet so I was instructed to pack all things pink for the game. Please understand, I do not own very many things "pink". This color has NEVER been something I chose to wear often. Mason won that game a year ago, when I wore my "all things pink" and so I decided to try my luck at this game. Please say tuned to the conclusion of the post to see how things worked out!**)
We made our way to gym (after the valet attendants made themselves look rather unorganized and baffled about their job) with great anticipation for the game! I was pretty excited. I hear about all of these girls throughout the year and very rarely do I get to put names to actual faces! I knew a few from last year's visit, but there were some new faces on the team as well.

I must mention, though, there is this one player - Jannae - that will forever be known by a different name from me, and I'll tell you why... Ninnie made a peach pie special for her (due to a yearning desire for Southern food, peach cobbler specifically, on a particular basketball trip and being forbidden to eat it!). This lady was SUPER excited and gracious about her special made peach cobbler! Therefore, to me, she is known as "Peach Pie".

OK, back from my rabbit trail! The Game...

The game was nothing short of action packed! There were ups and downs (like in every good game), good three point shots and some fouls, but the last five minutes were my favorite! I saw a team go from nine points behind to making some good plays. They got a few fouls, but also made ALL their baskets to bring themselves home a W-I-N! That's right, George Mason girls took home a BIG win this weekend! And you want to know why? It was because I was there and wore my PINK :) Not really, but it's nice to think you could be part of some type of "luck" floating around our universe! Talk about pumped. I know these girls were so excited, Jana definitely was (Congrats Coach J Rae!)! A win for Mason and a win on Ninnie's special birthday celebration weekend put the cherry on top of everything!
Once again, I feel so blessed to be a part of this family's special day(s).

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